Self-Paced Online 90 Hour Broker Pre-License Course-
The Tucker School of Real Estate is excited to offer an online 90-hour broker pre-licensing course for $599.00.
You’ll have immediate access to your 90-hour Indiana Broker Pre-License online course, and the course is structured as a go-at-your-own pace format. You will have 1 year from the purchase date of the course to complete it.
While there is no live instructor with this format, the Tucker School offers weekly office hours for students to meet with an instructor and ask questions. You may also email us at with any content-related questions, and an instructor will get back in touch with you!
Click below to register for the course. (Note: The online course does not come with a book, but you are able to print chapter summaries and take notes).
*If you are having technical issues with the online course, please contact tech
support at 888.850.0751.