Online Continuing Education 

(Please note: If you have purchased our CE in the past, we have a new system and you will need to create a new account!)

For our online broker continuing education, please click here.

For our online managing broker continuing education, please click here.

If you need to login in to your course, please click HERE and go to “login” at the very top of the page.

Below are the new requirements for all licenses. Please read the new requirements before registering.

Broker Requirements

All real estate brokers will have a three year renewal period from July 1 – June 30 and must complete 12 hours of continuing education each year between July 1 and June 30.   The last year of renewal brokers will pay a renewal fee online to renew their license.  The current CE deadline is June 30, 2022 and the next renewal deadline when your license will expire is June 30, 2023.

We currently offer several 12 hour CE packages, including with and without your NAR Ethics requirement.  These credits will count if you are an active broker affiliated with a company, or if you are inactive or in referral status and need to activate your license to work with a company. 



After you have taken the 90 hour pre-licensing course and have sent in your paper work to the IPLA to get your broker’s license (in active status), you will have two years from the date your license is issued to complete 30 hours of Post Licensing Education.  (This only applies to those who received a license after 7-1-14).  Once the two years is ended, you will need to start taking 12 hours of regular CE the following full licensure year if you are active.   You should check with the commission at 317-234-3022, or email them at regarding your exact requirements. CLICK HERE FOR THE 30 POST COURSE. Regular CE will not count toward your 30 hours.

NOTE FOR MANAGING BROKERS:  All brokers are required to complete 12 hours of continuing education per year.  If you have the Managing Broker Eligible designation on your license (you are independent and holding your own license or were the Principal of your company and now managing broker), 4 of the 12 hours must be dedicated to the necessary business of management skills and legal knowledge needed by a managing broker.  


NAR Code of Ethics

ALL licensees belonging to NAR MUST take the NAR mandated Code of Ethics class every THREE years now. The current three year compliance window runs from January 1, 2025– December 31, 2027.  Then the next deadline will be December 31, 2030.  This was just changed in 2020 from every two years to every three years.